Friday, September 4, 2015

The number one reason SDL Tridion Experience Manager is misconfigured and all the other ten after

Ah, Experience Manager, can't live with it, can't live without it, so here is how you can make your life a little easier, because in my humble experience, I've seen it misconfigured quite a bit.

I thought about, as with the top winners in any category, leaving the number one reason to the very end, yet the thought of spending even a minute making someone wait for that when they are racing around the clock to make something work as soon as possible really won.

So here it is, in order of frequency, at least in my opinion, starting with the most encountered:

1. Storage for Session Preview - (warning, it is a loaded start).

1a. Wrapper setup in cd_storage_conf.xml for Session Preview webservice and wrapper timeout. In a nutshell, since you are working in-session, all data should be stored in the session database, so make sure your storage type is pointing to the Session Preview database and that the Item types are all going to the same place as well (including pages and binaries which on a regular website may typically go to the file system).

<Wrapper Name="SessionWrapper">
Optional: Timeout - The session timeout expressed in milliseconds.
<Storage Type="persistence" Id="sessionDb" dialect="MSSQL" Class="">
<Pool Type="jdbc" Size="10" MonitorInterval="60" IdleTimeout="120" CheckoutTimeout="120" />
<DataSource Class="">
<Property Name="serverName" Value="localhost" />
<Property Name="portNumber" Value="1433" />
<Property Name="databaseName" Value="Tridion_Session_Preview"/>
<Property Name="user" Value="TridionBrokerUser"/>
<Property Name="password" Value="passwordvalue"/>

<ItemTypes defaultStorageId="sessionDb" cached="false">

1b. The session timeout is set to 60 seconds by default, even when commented out. I have seen new page creation result in 404's when 60 seconds was not enough time for Session Preview or the staging site to complete the round trip needed by the underlying mechanism and be ready to serve content.
Treat it as a tuning exercise, to find what is the best setting start by doubling this value, and continue to increase or decrease until the proper value is discovered.

<Wrapper Name="SessionWrapper">
Timeout - The session timeout expressed in milliseconds.

1c. Preview DAO bundle in storage
Check the preview storage extension using the data access object model is present in cd_storage_conf.xml
<Bundle src="preview_dao_bundle.xml"/>

2. Storage for website
As above, think about this in three sections, 2a, 2b, 2c.

2a. When it comes to the staging website, there are two flows going on for storage (cd_storage_conf.xml): the site uses the wrapper to read session information and uses the broker to write information to. Make sure both of these are configured. Pay close attention to the naming conventions for each.
Item types however, unlike in the Session Preview configuration, will point to the Content Data store (Broker) database, not the Session Preview database. Specific types may even go to different types of storage, such as file system for simpler websites or the Broker in the case of application driven setups.

2b. Applicable as described in 1b.

2c. Required as described in 1c.

3. Ambient Data Framework configuration claim for Session Preview webservice
Check cd_ambient_conf.xml has the webservice preview cartridge applied and the ambient cartridge commented out.

<!-- Example cartridge definition -->
<Cartridge File="cd_ambient_cartridge_conf.xml"/>
<Cartridge File="cd_webservice_preview_cartridge.xml"/>

4. Ambient Data Framework configuration for staging website
Check cd_ambient_conf.xml has both the webservice preview and footprint cartridges applied, plus the PreviewClaimStoreProvider

<Cartridge File="cd_webservice_preview_cartridge.xml"/>
<Cartridge File="footprint_cartridge_conf.xml"/>


5. web.config or web.xml for staging website - preview and ambientdata filter (ensure all content is intercepted for processing and temp content)
Ensure the preview and ambient data filters are present in the staging site configuration, these will intercept all requests for processing and temporary content.

5a. For a java staging site, review all settings here, with special tender love and care for steps 21 and 22. Do make sure to read all instructions referenced in the link below, but to save time, these are lines to watch out for.


<filter-name>Page Content Filter</filter-name>
<filter-name>Page Content Filter</filter-name>

<filter-name>Binary Content Filter</filter-name>
<filter-name>Binary Content Filter</filter-name>

<filter-name>Ambient Data Framework</filter-name>
<filter-name>Ambient Data Framework</filter-name>
<servlet-name>Content Delivery Web service</servlet-name>

5b. For a .NET staging site, review here, with emphasis on steps 22 and 23. Again, do make sure to read through all steps documented officially, with the highlights below.

Application pool in classic mode:

<add type="Tridion.ContentDelivery.AmbientData.HttpModule" name="Tridion.ContentDelivery.AmbientData.HttpModule" />
<add name="Tridion.ContentDelivery.Preview.Web.PreviewContentModule" type="Tridion.ContentDelivery.Preview.Web.PreviewContentModule" />

Application pool in integrated mode:

<add type="Tridion.ContentDelivery.AmbientData.HttpModule" name="Tridion.ContentDelivery.AmbientData.HttpModule" />
<add name="PreviewContentModule" type="Tridion.ContentDelivery.Preview.Web.PreviewContentModule" />

6. Missing JARs/DLLs
This is another common step easily missed, especially so when upgrading.
A good clue is to look at the version of config files during the steps above, an even better idea is to check the version of the jars / libs directly.
For instance, if upgrading to 2013 SP1 HR1, there are a few required changes.

So pay attention to these:

(both .NET and Java)

7. Bootstrap CMS url script
Look for this script, typically inserted before the closing tag. Is it there? If yes, is this correct, does the url match the Content Manager url?

<!-- Page Settings: {"PageID":"tcm:7-160-64","PageModified":"2015-07-21T17:17:27","PageTemplateID":"tcm:7-148-128","PageTemplateModified":"2014-03-07T05:25:00"} -->
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" defer="defer" src="http://localhost:81/WebUI/Editors/SiteEdit/Views/Bootstrap/Bootstrap.aspx?mode=js" id="tridion.siteedit"></script></body>

8. Publication target staging website url
Check the publication target contains the _exact_ staging site url on which the page will be requested.

9. Component Presentation script tags
These are written by the "Enable inline editing for Page" template building block, make sure they are present in the page and contain accurate information, such as the timestamp and content xpaths.
Note if using compoound templates, the "Enable inline editing for Page" TBB will be positioned after the basic Page Dreamweaver template and before the typical "Default Finish Actions" TBB.

<div><!-- Start Component Presentation: {"ComponentID" : "tcm:7-397", "ComponentModified" : "2015-09-02T11:08:50", "ComponentTemplateID" : "tcm:7-166-32", "ComponentTemplateModified" : "2015-09-02T11:06:01", "IsRepositoryPublished" : true } --><span><!-- Start Component Field: {"XPath":"tcm:Content/custom:Content/custom:field1[1]"} -->test field 1</span></div>

10. Component Field script tags
These are written by the "Enable inline editing for content" template building block, so as before make sure they appear and are correct.
Note if using compoound templates, the "Enable inline editing for content" TBB will be positioned after the basic Component Dreamweaver template and before the typical "Default Finish Actions" TBB.
<span><!-- Start Component Field: {"XPath":"tcm:Content/custom:Content/custom:field1[1]"} -->test field 1</span>

11. XHTML compliance - DIV tags
By virtue of W3C, there are very clear rules for what makes XHTML valid or not, and so particularly for <span> tags, no other tags are allowed inside.
With the out-of-the-box Experience Manager templates, the markup is configured to use <span> tags and this can become an issue if there are other tags present in the content which will then be converted to appear inside of the XPM markup.
One option then is to re-configure the XPM markup to use <div> tags instead of <span>. The <div> tag is a lot more forgiving in this respect and will deem the code XHTML compliant once more.
To do this, open the compound template using the "Enable inline editing for content" in Template Builder and click on the TBB. In the "Default Component Presentation HTML Tag" parameter fill in "div", no brackets.

Last - not least remember to restart the applications or respective servers to ensure changes are applied, and don't forget to check the logs - logs - logs (repeating for emphasis), ideally in debug or trace mode.

If all the above are seemingly in place, and things still seem quirky, one more good practice as well is a quick jump here, check potential hotfixes, you never know, you might have stepped on a bug.

Happy experience!

Monday, June 15, 2015

8 WebDAV Imports Gotcha's to Watch Out For in SDL Tridion

WebDAV or Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning is a technology which allows files to be shared over the HTTP protocol. As it comes standard with most operating systems, all it costs is time.. to do a little configuring, a little thinking, ensure the proper IIS authentication/configuration is applied, format the Tridion content to be and off we go.

The topic came up before in terms of importing bulk multimedia components, so what about regular components? Albeit not impossible, there are a number of restrictions one should be aware of before embarking on this boat. Should any of these "requirements" turn mandatory, well, there is always the coding warrior path, build a custom application using the Tridion Core Service to do the same and more.

Your best bet is to get a hold of the schemas on which the content to be imported will be based. "Why?" you ask, because the end goal here is to create the content to be imported in Tridion as clean XML files ready to be consumed by WebDAV. When dragged and dropped in Windows Explorer from a normal folder to a Tridion WebDAV folder, WebDAV will connect to Tridion and create the files directly in the CMS. In any case, a proper schema analysis is essential in order to become clear on the following limitations:

1. No metadata on components WebDAV will not bring in metadata type fields content, so if this exists, alternatives for it would be to update the components manually post import or build a scaled down custom application to add it post import. One can also reason that if this is the case, one might as well resort to doing the import entirely by custom application.

2. Strict XML format to match schema definition Any non-adherence to the schema definition will not work. A good idea here is to create a few sample components in Tridion first, then find what they look like in XML format. Proceed based on the format created as such.

3. XHTML compliance Obviously, XHTML format must be properly considered as well, as the system will certainly try and validate the new batch and discard a non-compliant batch.

4. Mandatory fields must be populated I think by now, it has become quite obvious how simplistic WebDAV is, really it cannot handle any kind of logic, rather just passes along what it is given, and so mandatory fields without content will fail schema validation just as they would if an editor was trying to save a Component missing required fields in the Content Manager Explorer.

5. To bind to another schema we must add it to the properties of the folder in which content is imported So long as a schema is found in the publication level the content is imported, all should be well, work as expected, however, if one is looking to ensure some additional schema restrictions, then the above applies. Remember. WebDAV is simple.

6. Categories/keywords are somewhat problematic This is the case in the sense that they must be available at the time of import, and also treated as plain text in terms of field content.

7. Component links Component links are tricky, but not impossible: one must import children~linked_to_components before parents, then apply WebDAV urls in parents, follow by importing parents and making sure the parent target exists - here one reasons twice as much about going the route of a custom application, unless of course the amount of component links is insignificant, so then a little manual work coupled with focus and attention can still get the job done.

8. Circular referencing In the case where a piece of content A points to another B, and B then in turn points to A, which surprisingly can be encountered often and when least expected, we are looking at circular referencing. To achieve this little bit, both components must be created independently, then updated with the reference to each other and only after imported.

Ah, now that we have got all of that out of the way, step freely in the boat, with the content formatted properly and ready to go, updating components can be done again with drag + drop. Unless of course, one reasoned to launch forward with a custom application after all.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2013 SP1 HR1 - What's in it for us

Hop and skip Thanksgiving, run a left over at Christmas right into the New Year, and wow, where did the time go?
Seems like yesterday SDL Tridion 2013 SP1 was just released peaking everyone's curiosity over the new interface, features and improvements, though I should know better how long it's really been as by force of habit now, writing up the date of the article, I slipped and almost typed 2014 SP1.. heh.
To be accurate though, SDL Tridion 2013 SP1 was released last year in November (neat, I can say "last year" for one more day), and during the course of the year, you may have found yourself puzzled by a number of strange occurrences.  Wonder no more, enter 2013 SP1 HR1 released December 17 to slide back into place several puzzle pieces, modules which have acted out of sorts.

The installation spans five areas, each straight forward, not many instructions, yet do exercise caution and don't let you attention waver especially so for Content Delivery.

- CM db - this is a straight forward install, comes about with at least two changes to stored procedures
- CM - also straight forward, you can simply run the PowerShell upgrade script
- Visio - here you'll need to uninstall the previous Visio Workflow Designer Client from current programs and follow up with the executable upgrade
- CD - still manual, though much simpler than expected, there are jar changes in lib folder(s), dll libraries for .NET, and Staging - XPM enabled website(s)
- CEC - extract, populate changes to locations documented (jars, dlls) plus regenerate the device database

Out with the old, in with the new, there are a number of pre-requisite changes, nice to see the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 is now supported.

RedHat Enterprise Linux 6.4Deprecated
RedHat Enterprise Linux 6.5Supported
SDL TMS 2011 SP4Deprecated
SDL TMS 2011 SP5Supported
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 SP2Deprecated
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 SP1Deprecated
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 SP3Supported
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 SP2Supported
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 Deprecated
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2Supported

Hotfixes cover the following areas, some more significant, with the full list of course available in the online documentation.  
I've taken the liberty to highlight some I found more pertinent and really meant to underline the significance of installing the 2013 SP1 HR1 patch.

1. Content Manager - 20 hotfixes total

87657 - Read publish transaction: state can be demoted from waiting to scheduled server times out of sync
87728 - WebDAV http handler fails for folders with names the same as one of the file extensions defined for multimedia types (link to tex)
87777 - Poor database performance after upgrade from 2011SP1 to 2013GA (reported in 2013 GA)
87921 - Import failed - [Error] System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
88066 - LoadFlags.KeywordXlinks are not taken into account during the building of content on schema synchronization process.
88102 - Visio 2013 - editing the Workflow Process Definition diagram and saving the changes, and then re-opening the Workflow Process Definition results in an XML validation error
88203 - Updating a component previously subject to a workflow changes its status to Unapproved (when expecting Undefined)
88250 - Resolver for 'Republish Only' on a Dynamic component template includes items that were not published to the chosen target

+ 2 db changes - stored procedures
87401 - EDA_ITEMS_FUNCTIONS query is incorrect
88283 - Advanced search times-out due to EDA_ITEMS_GETBULKSTATUSINFO query times

2. Content Delivery - 3 hotfixes

88163 - Error message displayed in Tridion 2013SP1 has been changed (multiple messages)
88295 - The input data was invalid: stringValue must be a non-empty string or any of the other values should be filled in
88309 - Using virtual folders results in a page not found when using Experience Manager

3. Content Manager Explorer - 15 hotfixes total

87268 - Wrong context used for opening Components
87280 - IncludeComponentLinks set to false in GUI Core Service Publish command
87658 - User with write permission cannot edit Structure Groups
87677 - When adding a field to a Schema on the 'Design' tab and then adding another to the 'Metadata design' tab, the first field (on the 'Design tab' is removed)
88281 - The default value option in Tridion 5.2 does not seem to work correctly (reported in 5.2)

4. Experience Manager - 9 hotfixes total
87717 - When uploading a new image to Experience Manager if the associated Multimedia Schema has Metadata then adding of the image fails with an "Unable to save new item. Name must be unique [...]" error"
87889 - Optional Fields lose context once Update Preview is attempted
88104 - Required to drag a content type twice to be able to place it on the page
88175 - Page not published after editing Fields from Component Link In Experience Manager

5. Context Engine Cartridge - 1

87801 - A hotfix that bundles a number of issue fixes in one go

6. Translation Manager - 1

88257 - XML fragment error when sending a component for translation

7. Audience Manager & Outbound Email - 2

88023 - Added configuration to override the database connection string for Audience Manager
88322 - Loading a Mailing also renders the Mailing's Page, which can result in decreased performance

Good grief, hopefully not many of these have crossed your path and so the HR1 will patch things promptly, yet considering the system has been in use for a year now, perhaps it isn't as large a collection of fixes after all, which is a good thing.

Here's looking forward to 2015, it's going to be a great year!  Yet again :)

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Manually Importing Tridion Schemas - But it's turtles all the way down!

Every so often in order to validate some content or troubleshoot an issue, I need to recreate the content in a different system.  This is actually a deconstruct and reconstruct process of taking the schemas apart and re-building them in Tridion.

The best thing to have are the XSDs, all the schemas the content is based on, in xml format.  However, even if this is not entirely the case, it may still be possible to import enough to recreate a given issue.  This does get a little tricky at times because of possible relations pre-existing in schemas such as other embedded schemas, linked components (full schemas) or categories and keywords.

These clever turtles all the way down (read relationships) can be noticed with a quick xml scan in the XSD's available for:
1. WebDAV urls
2. TCM URIs (tcm:x-y-z)

Also look for the lack of the "targetNamespace" attribute in the very first <xsd:schema> node as this will indicate an embedded schema.

Review all schemas available and choose the ones without any relationships, import these first.  
Embedded schemas are also good candidates and as mentioned before you can tell them apart immediately by the lack of the "targetNamespace" attribute.
Next, move over to generic content schemas, and again look to determine what is not referenced by any other schemas, or otherwise follow component links to find the furthest relations.

Once you think you have a plan, and possibly by now have drawn a little pyramid of the schemas relations model, move on to the Content Manager Explorer.

In the Tridion CME, proceed to 
  • Create a new schema and open the source tab
  • Copy the xml to be imported from the original source, paste it in the new schema source and update the namespace with the one from the new schema
  • Switch to the Design tab to see if the xml is recognized and translated into the equivalent fields
  • If yes, great, save the schema
  • If not, figure out what dependencies are missing and either import them or remove them to go on

If some dependencies are missing, don't give up, it may still be possible to partially import what is available.
For instance, if categories are not available, remove these references from the top and carefully remove the associated field(s) so as to preserve the integrity of the xml.  I usually try and re-save the schemas right after such a change in case there is a mistake, because then I will immediately know where I made it!

For example, look for lines such as this:
<xsd:import namespace="tcm:0-5-1/Categories.xsd" schemaLocation="/webdav/010_Schemas/Categories.xsd" />

.. with the corresponding..
 <xsd:element name="Tags" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" type="category:Specific_Category_Name">

Once you have saved all schemas in the CMS, yes, do believe it's possible - this is actually a key component of achieving this, continue on to create some content based on them.  It may take a few tries, quite a bit of patience and definitely plenty determination, but it's been tried, delivered and certainly found useful!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Use Visual Studio to Test XSLT Snippets for Tridion RTF Fields

Recently I've run into some issues with XML and XSLT, particularly the snippets one can add for applying special formatting on RTF fields.  
These snippets can be accessed by viewing a schema's RTF field, selecting the field, clicking the Edit Formatting Features button and navigating to the last tab on the resulting pop-up, tab called "Filtering XSLT".  

I found it quite helpful to run this fast-as-fast-can-be little validation test to narrow down a particular mishap in XSLT.  Certainly, there are much better and more equipped tools out there such as XMLSpy or <oXygen/> for instance, but in my case, speed was of the essence, and as I was not handling a very complex piece of content or elaborate stylesheet, the following steps zapped some light on right away.

1. Open Visual Studio, for instance VS 2012


2. Load an XML snippet
     Go to File, Open, File.. and select an XML snippet file, for instance the source/content of an RTF field from Saved from Tridion in a sample XML file.  

3. Load an XSLT snippet
     After loading the XML file, the Visual Studio top menu will change and also show an XML main option.  Go to XML, Start XSLT Debugging.  A window will popup to allow you to select the XSLT stylesheet to process.  Navigate to the location of the XSLT, select the stylesheet and click Open.

4. Test run
     Visual Studio will start processing the two files, applying the XSLT to the XML and then reporting back on progress.  It is also possible to add breakpoints here and run through more carefully, or the opposite, run through without any kind of debugging.  The right hand side window will show the resulting XML, labeled with the stylesheet name and an .XML extension.

5. Look for issues reported in Visual Studio
     Any issues detected will show in the Output window so you can take a look and handle them one by one to work through each.

     The only unfortunate discovery I made on this little inside tool is that loading the XSLT becomes cached and the only way to reload it is by restarting Visual Studio.  If anyone found a way to load it without closing, please post back!


Monday, June 23, 2014

Queue Purging in SDL Tridion 2013 SP1

Have you ever pulled the curtain looking for something, anything to help you fix some issue, situation, or state of affairs?
You sit in the middle of the room scratching your head and thinking you have looked everywhere, done anything and everything you possibly could and yet, you're still facing a problem.
I love that place.  My back against the wall.  Me and the empty space of possibility because I know, I know I am still missing something and I will find it.  All I have to do is find it.  And this time, well, this next idea, I'll have to find it outside the box.

I had such a moment a few days ago when I was troubleshooting a publisher service.
It just wouldn't publish.  No matter what.  Not after restarting, not after putting it in debug mode.
Nothing was written in the logs, and checking the publishing queue with "All" entries showed only a few items, all in some sort of finished state.  

Or did it.

As I was sitting there drawing blanks, I remembered troubleshooting the deployer some time back where the solution was to clear out the transactions folder.  Some things had been left there from previous sessions.  No, no one knows why anymore, they were months old.

"Clear out, clean out.."  Ding! I almost jumped as the light bulb lit above my head.  "Purge!  Let's try purge!".  What if the invisible is not so invisible after all.  What if this unpredictable behavior was due to existing "queued" transactions still waiting to publish or left in some unresolved state.  Bouncing on what if-what if's, I set out to find out on my Indiana Jones leap of faith.

In 2013 SP1, we can purge existing items stored in queues in two very quick steps:

1. Load the SDL Tridion system administration .NET assembly 
2. Purge messages from various queues

Both steps are executed via the command line and with system administration rights.  

Open a Powershell prompt and type (step 1):
Import-Module Tridion.ContentManager.Automation

Follow with the purge itself (step 2):

This second command also allows you to purge by queue type, just add the respective parameter at the end, one of five:
PublishQueue, DeployQueue, SearchQueue, WorkflowAgentQueue, BatchQueue

In my case, since I was on a test machine, I went full-throttle and cleared all messages. This is what it took, and lo and behold, it worked like a charm, the Publisher started working after one more health-check restart.


There is another command which allows you to inspect the queue contents as well:

Purge is typically recommended periodically for maintenance and to free up room in the database.
Obviously these commands should be coordinated and run outside of business hours when the system is not busy.  
An advance notice is helpful as well in case anyone still happens to be working at the time the commands are issued.  Should their transactions suddenly disappear, at minimum they can relate what happened to the notification and resubmit the work again.

For more information, read through the online documentation.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Tracing in SDL Tridion 2013 SP1 - A walk in the park, or.. beach

Some time ago, a little birdie told me in SDL Tridion 2013 SP1, all windows services can be started in debug mode.
While I have not made the time to check this out, I have through experience and some focused searches discovered that tracing has been taken to yet another higher level.
Some of the logs below will be familiar from previous versions, however, there are a few surprises you won't mind finding out about.
Like a walk on the beach, where tracing back the same path you took to arrive where you are can be both nostalgic and new, here is a collection of traces to walk you from the Content Manager to the Content Delivery and back in case you need to revisit some points in time..

WhatWhere (log or trace file)How (Config file & Steps)
CME Javascript/CSSBrowser Developer Tools (eg. Sources and Console tabs)
Firefox Firebug

%TRIDION_HOME% WebRoot\Configuration\system.config
1. Disable JS/CSS minifiers
    <filter for="Script" type="Tridion.Web.UI.Resources.Filters.JScriptMinifier, Tridion.Web.UI.Resources.Filters" enabled="never">
<filter for="Style" type="Tridion.Web.UI.Core.Configuration.Resources.Filtering.CssCompressorFilter, Tridion.Web.UI.Core" enabled="never" />
2. Refresh browser
3. Can call GUI urls with mode=js
4. Check Sources, Console tabs in browser developer tools to set breakpoints and/or follow execution or variable values
IIS%SystemDrive%\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\ <ID of Web site>Usually enabled, if disabled, check how to enable depending on IIS version
CMS Events%SystemRoot%\System32\Winevt\Logs\ Tridion.evtx
%SystemRoot%\System32\Winevt\Logs\ Tridion Content Manager.evtx
Enabled by default, look for them in the Windows Event Viewer console
CMS Core ServiceOwn trace
CME Server Log / CMS WCF%TRIDION_HOME%\web\WebUI\WebRoot\ Tridion.Web.trace
CMS Workflow ServiceOwn trace%TRIDION_HOME%\bin\TcmWorkflowAgent.exe.config
CMS Search IndexerOwn trace%TRIDION_HOME%\bin\TcmSearchIndexer.exe.config
CMS Batch ProcessorOwn trace%TRIDION_HOME%\bin\TcmBatchProcessor.exe.config
CMS Publisher ServiceTRIDION_HOME%\bin\TcmPublisher.exe.config

To run publisher in debug mode from command line: not supported, not documented, unexpected results: dies when user running it logs off?
-only to be done in Production envs under Customer Support request

publisherpath>TcmPublisher.exe /debug
To have publisher log to file:
- In MMC set "Publisher settings" - "Activate logging to publisher actions" option to "true", don't need to restart COM+ or Publisher
- Check "c:\program files\tridion\log\Tridion.ContentManager.Publisher.log"
- (It doesn't track when rendering in TemplateBuilder template tool)
- Publisher log configurable in : \Tridion\bin\TcmPublisher.exe.config
CM Transportc:\tridion\log\cd_transport_<date>.log

<property name="log.level" value="ALL"/> or
<property name="log.level" value="TRACE"/>
CD Transport
CD Deployer
Normal Trace and Hibernate Trace

<property name="log.level" value="ALL"/> or
<property name="log.level" value="TRACE"/>
<root level="ON">
     <appender-ref ref="rollingCoreLog"/>
OutBoundEmailC:\Program Files (x86)\Tridion\Log\OutBoundEmail.log

        <Folder>C:\Program Files (x86)\Tridion\log</Folder>
UGC%TRIDION_HOME%\web\WebUI\WebRoot\ Tridion.Web.Trace
1. Backup %TRIDION_HOME%\web\WebUI\WebRoot\Tridion.UGC.Model.dll
2. Replace with %TRIDION_HOME%\web\WebUI\WebRoot\trace\Tridion.UGC.Model.dll
3. Reset IIS

As with any logging in general, beware lots and lots of data will be accumulated in a very short amount of time.
- focus your actions
- limit the number of users in the system during tracing
- check there is enough memory available
- check there is enough storage available

and.. don't forget to turn off the traces when done investigating!
Happy tracing!